* #### Import members from **@edx/frontend-platform**
* The initialization module provides a function for managing an application's initialization
* lifecycle. It also provides constants and default handler implementations.
* ```
* import {
* initialize,
* subscribe,
* } from '@edx/frontend-platform';
* import { AppProvider, ErrorPage, PageWrap } from '@edx/frontend-platform/react';
* import React from 'react';
* import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
* import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
* subscribe(APP_READY, () => {
* ReactDOM.render(
* <AppProvider store={configureStore()}>
* <Header />
* <main>
* <Routes>
* <Route path="/" element={<PageWrap><PaymentPage /></PageWrap>} />
* </Routes>
* </main>
* <Footer />
* </AppProvider>,
* document.getElementById('root'),
* );
* });
* subscribe(APP_INIT_ERROR, (error) => {
* ReactDOM.render(<ErrorPage message={error.message} />, document.getElementById('root'));
* });
* initialize({
* messages: [appMessages],
* requireAuthenticatedUser: true,
* hydrateAuthenticatedUser: true,
* });
* @module Initialization
import { createBrowserHistory, createMemoryHistory } from 'history';
This 'env.config' package is a special 'magic' alias in our webpack configuration in frontend-build.
It points at an `env.config.js` file in the root of an MFE's repository if it exists and falls back
to an empty object `{}` if the file doesn't exist. This acts like an 'optional' import, in a sense.
Note that the env.config.js file in frontend-platform's root directory is NOT used by the actual
initialization code, it's just there for the test suite and example application.
import envConfig from 'env.config'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved
import { getPath } from './utils';
import {
} from './pubSub';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-cycle
import {
getConfig, mergeConfig,
} from './config';
import {
configure as configureLogging, getLoggingService, NewRelicLoggingService, logError,
} from './logging';
import {
configure as configureAnalytics, SegmentAnalyticsService, identifyAnonymousUser, identifyAuthenticatedUser,
} from './analytics';
import { GoogleAnalyticsLoader } from './scripts';
import {
configure as configureAuth,
} from './auth';
import { configure as configureI18n } from './i18n';
import {
} from './constants';
import configureCache from './auth/LocalForageCache';
* A browser history or memory history object created by the [history](https://github.com/ReactTraining/history)
* package. Applications are encouraged to use this history object, rather than creating their own,
* as behavior may be undefined when managing history via multiple mechanisms/instances. Note that
* in environments where browser history may be inaccessible due to `window` being undefined, this
* falls back to memory history.
export const history = (typeof window !== 'undefined')
? createBrowserHistory({
basename: getPath(getConfig().PUBLIC_PATH),
}) : createMemoryHistory();
* The string basename that is the root directory of this MFE.
* In devstack, this should always just return "/", because each MFE is in its own server/domain.
* In Tutor, all MFEs are deployed to a common server, each under a different top-level directory.
* The basename is the root path for a given MFE, e.g. "/library-authoring". It is set by tutor-mfe
* as an ENV variable in the Docker file, and we read it here from that configuration so that it
* can be passed into a Router later.
export const basename = getPath(getConfig().PUBLIC_PATH);
* The default handler for the initialization lifecycle's `initError` phase. Logs the error to the
* LoggingService using `logError`
* @see {@link module:frontend-platform/logging~logError}
* @param {*} error
export async function initError(error) {
* The default handler for the initialization lifecycle's `auth` phase.
* The handler has several responsibilities:
* - Determining the user's authentication state (authenticated or anonymous)
* - Optionally redirecting to login if the application requires an authenticated user.
* - Optionally loading additional user information via the application's user account data
* endpoint.
* @param {boolean} requireUser Whether or not we should redirect to login if a user is not
* authenticated.
* @param {boolean} hydrateUser Whether or not we should fetch additional user account data.
export async function auth(requireUser, hydrateUser) {
if (requireUser) {
await ensureAuthenticatedUser(globalThis.location.href);
} else {
await fetchAuthenticatedUser();
if (hydrateUser && getAuthenticatedUser() !== null) {
// We intentionally do not await the promise returned by hydrateAuthenticatedUser. All the
// critical data is returned as part of fetch/ensureAuthenticatedUser above, and anything else
// is a nice-to-have for application code.
* Set or overrides configuration via an env.config.js file in the consuming application.
* This env.config.js is loaded at runtime and must export one of two things:
* - An object which will be merged into the application config via `mergeConfig`.
* - A function which returns an object which will be merged into the application config via
* `mergeConfig`. This function can return a promise.
async function jsFileConfig() {
let config = {};
if (typeof envConfig === 'function') {
config = await envConfig();
} else {
config = envConfig;
* Set or overrides configuration through an API.
* This method allows runtime configuration.
* Set a basic configuration when an error happen and allow initError and display the ErrorPage.
async function runtimeConfig() {
try {
const { MFE_CONFIG_API_URL, APP_ID } = getConfig();
const apiConfig = { headers: { accept: 'application/json' } };
const apiService = await configureCache();
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append('mfe', APP_ID);
const url = `${MFE_CONFIG_API_URL}?${params.toString()}`;
const { data } = await apiService.get(url, apiConfig);
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error('Error with config API', error.message);
export function loadExternalScripts(externalScripts, data) {
externalScripts.forEach(ExternalScript => {
const script = new ExternalScript(data);
* The default handler for the initialization lifecycle's `analytics` phase.
* The handler is responsible for identifying authenticated and anonymous users with the analytics
* service. This is a pre-requisite for sending analytics events, thus, we do it during the
* initialization sequence so that analytics is ready once the application's UI code starts to load.
export async function analytics() {
const authenticatedUser = getAuthenticatedUser();
if (authenticatedUser && authenticatedUser.userId) {
} else {
await identifyAnonymousUser();
function applyOverrideHandlers(overrides) {
const noOp = async () => { };
return {
pubSub: noOp,
config: noOp,
logging: noOp,
i18n: noOp,
ready: noOp,
...overrides, // This will override any same-keyed handlers from above.
* Invokes the application initialization sequence.
* The sequence proceeds through a number of lifecycle phases, during which pertinent services are
* configured.
* Using the `handlers` option, lifecycle phase handlers can be overridden to perform custom
* functionality. Note that while these override handlers _do_ replace the default handler
* functionality for analytics, auth, and initError (the other phases have no default
* functionality), they do _not_ override the configuration of the actual services that those
* handlers leverage.
* Some services can be overridden via the loggingService and analyticsService options. The other
* services (auth and i18n) cannot currently be overridden.
* The following lifecycle phases exist:
* - pubSub: A no-op by default.
* - config: A no-op by default.
* - logging: A no-op by default.
* - auth: Uses the 'auth' handler defined above.
* - analytics: Uses the 'analytics' handler defined above.
* - i18n: A no-op by default.
* - ready: A no-op by default.
* - initError: Uses the 'initError' handler defined above.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {*} [options.loggingService=NewRelicLoggingService] The `LoggingService` implementation
* to use.
* @param {*} [options.analyticsService=SegmentAnalyticsService] The `AnalyticsService`
* implementation to use.
* @param {*} [options.authMiddleware=[]] An array of middleware to apply to http clients in the auth service.
* @param {*} [options.externalScripts=[GoogleAnalyticsLoader]] An array of externalScripts.
* By default added GoogleAnalyticsLoader.
* @param {*} [options.requireAuthenticatedUser=false] If true, turns on automatic login
* redirection for unauthenticated users. Defaults to false, meaning that by default the
* application will allow anonymous/unauthenticated sessions.
* @param {*} [options.hydrateAuthenticatedUser=false] If true, makes an API call to the user
* account endpoint (`${App.config.LMS_BASE_URL}/api/user/v1/accounts/${username}`) to fetch
* detailed account information for the authenticated user. This data is merged into the return
* value of `getAuthenticatedUser`, overriding any duplicate keys that already exist. Defaults to
* false, meaning that no additional account information will be loaded.
* @param {*} [options.messages] A i18n-compatible messages object, or an array of such objects. If
* an array is provided, duplicate keys are resolved with the last-one-in winning.
* @param {*} [options.handlers={}] An optional object of handlers which can be used to replace the
* default behavior of any part of the startup sequence. It can also be used to add additional
* initialization behavior before or after the rest of the sequence.
export async function initialize({
loggingService = NewRelicLoggingService,
analyticsService = SegmentAnalyticsService,
authService = AxiosJwtAuthService,
authMiddleware = [],
externalScripts = [GoogleAnalyticsLoader],
requireAuthenticatedUser: requireUser = false,
hydrateAuthenticatedUser: hydrateUser = false,
handlers: overrideHandlers = {},
}) {
const handlers = applyOverrideHandlers(overrideHandlers);
try {
// Pub/Sub
await handlers.pubSub();
// Configuration
await handlers.config();
await jsFileConfig();
await runtimeConfig();
loadExternalScripts(externalScripts, {
config: getConfig(),
// This allows us to replace the implementations of the logging, analytics, and auth services
// based on keys in the ConfigDocument. The JavaScript File Configuration method is the only
// one capable of supplying an alternate implementation since it can import other modules.
// If a service wasn't supplied we fall back to the default parameters on the initialize
// function signature.
const loggingServiceImpl = getConfig().loggingService || loggingService;
const analyticsServiceImpl = getConfig().analyticsService || analyticsService;
const authServiceImpl = getConfig().authService || authService;
// Logging
configureLogging(loggingServiceImpl, {
config: getConfig(),
await handlers.logging();
// Internationalization
config: getConfig(),
loggingService: getLoggingService(),
await handlers.i18n();
// Authentication
configureAuth(authServiceImpl, {
loggingService: getLoggingService(),
config: getConfig(),
middleware: authMiddleware,
await handlers.auth(requireUser, hydrateUser);
// Analytics
configureAnalytics(analyticsServiceImpl, {
config: getConfig(),
loggingService: getLoggingService(),
httpClient: getAuthenticatedHttpClient(),
await handlers.analytics();
// Application Ready
await handlers.ready();
} catch (error) {
if (!error.isRedirecting) {
// Initialization Error
await handlers.initError(error);
publish(APP_INIT_ERROR, error);