import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
import merge from 'lodash.merge';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/polyfill';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/ar';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/en';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/es';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/fr';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/zh';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/ca';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/he';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/id';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/ko';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/pl';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/pt';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/ru';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/th';
import '@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/uk';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/polyfill';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/ar';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/en';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/es';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/fr';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/zh';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/ca';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/he';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/id';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/ko';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/pl';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/pt';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/ru';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/th';
import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/uk';
const cookies = new Cookies();
const supportedLocales = [
'ar', // Arabic
// NOTE: 'en' is not included in this list intentionally, since it's the fallback.
'es-419', // Spanish, Latin American
'fa', // Farsi
'fa-ir', // Farsi, Iran
'fr', // French
'zh-cn', // Chinese, Simplified
'ca', // Catalan
'he', // Hebrew
'id', // Indonesian
'ko-kr', // Korean (Korea)
'pl', // Polish
'pt-br', // Portuguese (Brazil)
'ru', // Russian
'th', // Thai
'uk', // Ukrainian
const rtlLocales = [
'ar', // Arabic
'he', // Hebrew
'fa', // Farsi (not currently supported)
'fa-ir', // Farsi Iran
'ur', // Urdu (not currently supported)
let config = null;
let loggingService = null;
let messages = null;
* @memberof module:Internationalization
* Prior versions of react-intl (our primary implementation of the i18n service) included a
* PropTypes-based 'shape' for its `intl` object. This has since been removed. For legacy
* compatibility, we include an `intlShape` export that is set to PropTypes.object. Usage of this
* export is deprecated.
* @deprecated
export const intlShape = PropTypes.object;
* @ignore
* @returns {LoggingService}
export const getLoggingService = () => loggingService;
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export const LOCALE_TOPIC = 'LOCALE';
* @memberof module:Internationalization
* @memberof module:Internationalization
* @returns {Cookies}
export function getCookies() {
return cookies;
* Some of our dependencies function on primary language subtags, rather than full locales.
* This function strips a locale down to that first subtag. Depending on the code, this
* may be 2 or more characters.
* @param {string} code
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function getPrimaryLanguageSubtag(code) {
return code.split('-')[0];
* Finds the closest supported locale to the one provided. This is done in three steps:
* 1. Returning the locale itself if its exact language code is supported.
* 2. Returning the primary language subtag of the language code if it is supported (ar for ar-eg,
* for instance).
* 3. Returning 'en' if neither of the above produce a supported locale.
* @param {string} locale
* @returns {string}
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function findSupportedLocale(locale) {
if (messages[locale] !== undefined) {
return locale;
if (messages[getPrimaryLanguageSubtag(locale)] !== undefined) {
return getPrimaryLanguageSubtag(locale);
return 'en';
* Get the locale from the cookie or, failing that, the browser setting.
* Gracefully fall back to a more general primary language subtag or to English (en)
* if we don't support that language.
* @param {string} locale If a locale is provided, returns the closest supported locale. Optional.
* @throws An error if i18n has not yet been configured.
* @returns {string}
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function getLocale(locale) {
if (messages === null) {
throw new Error('getLocale called before configuring i18n. Call configure with messages first.');
// 1. Explicit application request
if (locale !== undefined) {
return findSupportedLocale(locale);
// 2. User setting in cookie
const cookieLangPref = cookies
if (cookieLangPref) {
return findSupportedLocale(cookieLangPref.toLowerCase());
// 3. Browser language (default)
// Note that some browers prefer upper case for the region part of the locale, while others don't.
// Thus the toLowerCase, for consistency.
return findSupportedLocale(globalThis.navigator.language.toLowerCase());
* Returns messages for the provided locale, or the user's preferred locale if no argument is
* provided.
* @param {string} [locale=getLocale()]
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function getMessages(locale = getLocale()) {
return messages[locale];
* Determines if the provided locale is a right-to-left language.
* @param {string} locale
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function isRtl(locale) {
return rtlLocales.includes(locale);
* Handles applying the RTL stylesheet and "dir=rtl" attribute to the html tag if the current locale
* is a RTL language.
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function handleRtl() {
if (isRtl(getLocale())) {
globalThis.document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
} else {
globalThis.document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');
const messagesShape = {
ar: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Arabic
en: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string),
'es-419': PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Spanish, Latin American
fr: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // French
'zh-cn': PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Chinese, Simplified
ca: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Catalan
he: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Hebrew
id: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Indonesian
'ko-kr': PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Korean (Korea)
pl: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Polish
'pt-br': PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Portuguese (Brazil)
ru: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Russian
th: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Thai
uk: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), // Ukrainian
const optionsShape = {
config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
loggingService: PropTypes.shape({
logError: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
messages: PropTypes.oneOfType([
* @param {Object} newMessages
* @returns {Object}
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function mergeMessages(newMessages) {
const msgs = Array.isArray(newMessages) ? merge({}, ...newMessages) : newMessages;
messages = merge(messages, msgs);
return messages;
* Configures the i18n library with messages for your application.
* Logs a warning if it detects a locale it doesn't expect (as defined by the supportedLocales list
* above), or if an expected locale is not provided.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {LoggingService} options.loggingService
* @param {Object} options.config
* @param {Object} options.messages
* @memberof module:Internationalization
export function configure(options) {
PropTypes.checkPropTypes(optionsShape, options, 'property', 'i18n');
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
loggingService = options.loggingService;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
config = options.config;
messages = Array.isArray(options.messages) ? merge({}, ...options.messages) : options.messages;
if (config.ENVIRONMENT !== 'production') {
Object.keys(messages).forEach((key) => {
if (supportedLocales.indexOf(key) < 0) {
console.warn(`Unexpected locale: ${key}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
supportedLocales.forEach((key) => {
if (messages[key] === undefined) {
console.warn(`Missing locale: ${key}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console